Stated Communications are the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. A lodge dinner, beginning promptly at 6:00 PM, precedes each Stated Communication.


Becoming a Mason

Hiram's Journal

Directions to the Lodge


Contact Us

History of the Lodge

Masonic Q & A


Lodge Library

Past Grand Masters

Grand Lodge of Virginia

Virginia Masonic Herald

Contacts  Appendant Bodies

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Becoming a Mason

To become a member of this ancient and honorable Fraternity, a man must apply of his own free will and accord and with an open heart. Invitations are not issued to prospective members, nor are members solicited. If a person is interested in joining, he should ask a Masonic friend or contact our Membership Chairman as noted below. Additional background information can also be found at the Grand Lodge of Virginia web page. (see link on the left).

The requirements for membership are; that you be a man, one of good character and reputation; that you be a peaceful citizen, and one who guards against intemperance and excess; and that you are one who respects genuine brotherhood and general good of society. Freemasonry requires a belief in a Supreme Being.

For more information regarding membership in the fraternity, please contact our Membership Committee Chairman, Jason Pattison, at phone (434) 989-4109 or email



Life Membership

Life Membership is a great way to support Widow's Sons' Lodge. Life membership is calculated by multiplying the current dues rate by 17 years. These funds are placed into an account, and a portion is drawn off to cover your dues - indefinitely. Each member of Widow's Sons', and the greater fraternity, is encouraged to obtain life membership. For more information regarding life membership and its benefits, please contact our lodge secretary, Mark S. Chapman at email